Wiliot Introduces Company’s Breakthrough “Sensing as a Service” Platform to the European Market at RFID & Wireless IoT’s Tomorrow 2021 Trade Show

Wiliot, the Sensing as a Service company and Internet of Things (IoT) technology leader whose self-powered, stamp-sized computer is changing the relationship between manufacturers and their products, will debut its revolutionary Sensing as a Service platform to the European market at RFID & Wireless IoT’s Tomorrow 2021 in Wiesbaden, Germany, as the company ramps up operations on the continent.

Having completed a $200 million series C round of funding and grown its executive leadership team to meet increasing demand for its platform and technology, Wiliot is now significantly expanding into Europe to serve like-minded companies dedicated to making global manufacturing and supply chains more sustainable.

Europe’s largest event for RFID & wireless IoT technologies takes place Oct. 20-21 live at the Rhein-Main-CongressCenter, as well as online at Tomorrow 2021 Virtual. Wiliot will exhibit its platform for the first time in Europe at Booth 1 and will present the session “How to Scale the IoT to Trillions – Sensing as a Service with Sticker Sized Computers,” by Michael Zehnpfennig, Wiliot’s VP of Business Development, EMEA.

“Wiliot is proud to bring its Sensing as a Service platform to the European market, where a commitment to greater sustainability permeates nearly all segments of its economy,” said Tony Small, Wiliot’s Chief Business Officer. “With the intelligence that Wiliot’s IoT technology brings to supply chains, companies can create a circular economy, reduce waste, and operate more efficiently. As we grow our team in Europe, we look forward to working with European business leaders to help define and capitalize on a new IoT, namely the Intelligence of everyday Things.”                

Wiliot brings efficiency and sustainability to supply chains by shedding light into corners that have been dark until now, from manufacturing, to packaging, to distribution, to retail sales. This creates a new paradigm in which every product and every thing has something to say about its location and condition. 

Wiliot’s Sensing as a Service platform includes low-cost Wiliot IoT Pixels, which are stamp-sized, self-powered computers affixed to products or packaging and able to detect myriad conditions, including location, temperature, humidity, motion, and more. In real time, IoT Pixels securely communicate the information to the Wiliot Cloud, where it can be access and analyzed by brands, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to make more informed and sustainable decisions.

At Tomorrow 2021, Wiliot will exhibit jointly with Works with Wiliot partner Tadbik, a market leader for complex materials conversion in the smart labels sector.  Wiliot and Tadbik have been working together to mass produce the first Wiliot IoT Pixel tags.

Wiliot will showcase its IoT Pixels affixed to objects and communicating live updates to the Wiliot Cloud. From the trade show floor, attendees will then be able to view the real-time status of each object’s location, temperature, fill-level, and more.

Wiliot’s conference session will explore the company’s more than four years of research and development in conjunction with the world’s largest pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods (CPG), retail and logistics companies to create its revolutionary platform. Attendees will hear the latest on how the technology behind Wiliot’s self-powered compute devices is evolving, the applications it will impact, and the implications for an ecosystem of brands and IoT companies seeking to create more sustainable supply chains through pervasive intelligence.

“When companies can monitor the status of goods using Wiliot’s Sensing as a Service platform, the benefits to be realized are innumerable,” said Tony Small, “They can more accurately match supply and demand, so they don’t overproduce; more efficiently deliver goods where they need to go and reduce emissions; and gain greater visibility into inventory to improve business performance and offer superior service. Wiliot turns things that had no ability to share information about themselves into self-aware communicators contributing to more sustainable, efficient supply chains.”

“At the heart of the Wiliot platform are its IoT Pixels. We are proud that those were developed with the assistance of Tadbik tag experts,” said David Beit-On, Tadbik’s Head of Sales, Europe & Asia. “The result is a product that can realize the original promise of the IoT and help us make the planet a better place.”                                                                                                                                   

For more information, visit wiliot.com.  

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