SFB Software and Training Response Network Join Forces to Develop Next Generation Cloud-Based Law Enforcement Records Management, Training and Testing Software Platform

New platform will replace existing ACE software solution that is currently the product of choice throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The Training Response Network, Inc. (TRN), producers of best-in-class e-training and complimentary software applications for public-safety and law enforcement agencies across the country, and SFB Software Design, LLC (SFB), creator of the industry-standard ACE software platform for law enforcement record-keeping, live classroom and testing solution in Virginia, today announced a partnership to develop the next generation, cloud-based records management, training and testing scalable software platform for the Commonwealth of Virginia that will replace the current ACE solution.

According to TRN President & CEO Bradley J. Naples and SFB Founder & President Janet Schaefer, the two companies will closely collaborate to bring to market an entirely new, easy-to-use and scalable software platform architecture to replace the current SFB ACE platform that has been the platform of choice by professional law enforcement academies and individual agencies in Virginia. The new platform will offer an array of user-friendly features and technology advancements derived from direct input from both SFB’s Janet Schaefer, and from direct market interaction with current ACE criminal justice training academy clients in Virginia. The new platform will be based upon a state-of-the-art, scalable software architecture that will provide seamless integration from state-level management to academies to agencies and through to individual officers. Naples further stated that more specific details upon the product’s estimated release date and price will be forthcoming over the next 2-3 months but software development progress was on schedule.

“Janet Schaefer’s personal insight into law enforcement/criminal justice training, together with her long track record of success in developing effective, real-world law enforcement training and records management solutions makes her the perfect person to partner with to develop a world-class, cloud-based solution that can meet the long term needs of the Commonwealth,” said Naples. “Together, working in tandem along with in-state end-user clients, I am confident that we can create and deliver a solution that integrates all types of training requirements, record-keeping and testing within one single, user-friendly software platform that will also integrate professional officer training records in a virtual format that travels with each professional throughout their career, even if they change agencies.”

Commenting on the partnership, and the vision driving it, Schaefer said, “Brad Naples immediately impressed me with his enthusiasm, can-do attitude and impressive grasp of the issues one must be skilled-in to succeed in evolving my product for the next generation law enforcement professionals as well as to preserve the customer base that has relied on my services for decades. I believe he has the skilled staff required to produce a revolutionary training system for law enforcement and criminal justice agencies and academies. After discussions with other companies, I felt that Brad is the partner who can bring my goals and visions to reality.”

Before announcing the partnership, Naples and Schaefer met with a number of constituents to discuss the goals of the partnership. Jon Cliborne, Director of the Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy (CCJTA), today applauded the partnership, noting that, “I have worked with Janet Schaffer for some time, and, more recently, with Brad Naples and TRN. I am confident that this partnership will improve classroom training, record-keeping management, and testing, while also combining the best e-training and other software applications currently offered by TRN, providing a much-needed fresh approach for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

“From my perspective,” he continued, “this partnership will enable SFB-ACE to move more rapidly to update their current industry-standard product offerings and provide a viable software solution that offers a robust and completely integrated software platform that can provide various software products across a wide spectrum of applications. Considering that these two entities have very strong records of past performance and current successes, I am one who believes this partnership will succeed.”

Andy McNally, Executive Director of the Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy (CSCJTA), today supported the partnership, saying that, “At the academy, we use both ACE and TRN. I have found both products to be user-friendly and reliable. Personally, I believe the partnering of the two companies, combining their unique professional experience, technological approach and understanding will make a perfect combination to evolve their current product offerings. Our familiarity with ACE and TRN, together with both Janet Schafer’s and Brad Naples’ deep knowledge of the market and technology solutions, makes me confident that this partnership will bring to Virginia public-safety record-keeping, live classroom, and records keeping management and testing a long sought after and much needed more modern system that will meet the needs of our law enforcement professionals for many years to come.”