NanoLumens, award-winning creators of uniquely compelling interactive LED visualization solutions, today announced that it is teaming up with innovative retailer design firms Creative Realities and Mapos to host a webinar on the cutting edge LED visualization solutions featured in Innisfree’s New York City flagship store. The webinar, titled “Removing the Hard Edges of Technology,” will take place on March 6, 2019 from 1:00PM to 2:00PM EDT. Registration is now open here.
Creative Realities Senior Vice President of Marketing and Retail Practice Beth Warren, Mapos Co-Founder Caleb Mulvena and NanoLumens Regional Sales Manager Geoff Berkeley will take the stage to talk about the Innisfree project in detail and the new world of retail design possibilities that are now being centered in and powered by integrated audiovisual experiences that are anchored by compelling LED visualization solutions.
NanoLumens Vice President of Global Marketing and Business Development Joe’ Lloyd will moderate the webinar.
“In today’s fast-paced world where static imagery simply slips by, we increasingly have come to rely on digital technology for the compelling, bleeding edge customer experiences it creates,” said Lloyd. “But the question remains: have we completely considered the need to blend and soften that edge? Have we found a way for technology to co-exist as a natural element of a store’s design language and yet still be disruptive? These are some of the questions we will raise and answer in this upcoming webinar and, with retail challenged on all fronts, the timing could not be better.”
For the recently opened Innisfree flagship location at the hyper competitive beauty intersection of Lexington Avenue and 59th Street in New York City, the co-existence of digital technology and natural elements came together seamlessly to create a compelling new brand identity that is seamlessly connecting shoppers across the buying journey — thanks to the powerful collaboration of the design and technology teams of Mapos, Creative Realities and NanoLumens. The store features a variety of technologies to make the shopping experience better, and it starts with the massive NanoLumens LED display that is simply impossible to miss as people pass by the storefront.
The store opened right next to a major established cosmetics retailer, so capturing the attention of cosmetics users and having a unique store design and appearance was a top concern. With this stunning display showing peaceful scenes from the Jeju Island in Korea where Innisfree sources many ingredients, any potential customer who walks by is encouraged to step inside and see what the new store is all about.
Once customers are inside, additional technologies help guide their purchasing journey. The store’s skin tone detector assigns a value to each customer’s skin tone, and then suggests the best cosmetics to match their complexion. In another area, a line of LCD displays hang above a colorful product section, with each display relating to the products directly underneath it.
While the store has been quiet about specifics, employees noted that they saw a significant uptick in foot traffic after the NanoLumens display was installed, and noticed an increase in overall engagement and excitement thanks to the digital technologies. The content shown on the NanoLumens LED display keeps with the store’s design influences, presenting images of flowing landscapes and nature scenes.