NanoLumens, award-winning creators of uniquely compelling interactive LED visualization solutions, today announced that it is joining forces with industry-leading artificial intelligence and computer vision company AdMobilize to co-host a webinar on the importance of audience measurement and LED display performance. The webinar, titled “Using the WHO to Explain the HOW: The Importance of Audience Measurement with Regard to Display Performance,” will take place on April 19, 2018 at 2:00PM EDT. Registration is now open here.
“LED display technology is a game-changer, but in order to maximize its potential you need to be able to measure its performance,” explained NanoLumens Vice President of Global Marketing Joe’ Lloyd. “At its core, an LED display is designed to communicate with an audience, so the performance you assess will naturally be framed by the nature of that very audience. Your business has information, emotions, and behaviors that you want to impress upon and inspire within your audience, but to determine how effective your messaging is or will be, you need to grasp who exactly you are reaching out to. Who makes up your audience?”
On the webinar, the LED experts of NanoLumens and video intelligence masterminds from AdMobilize will delve into the importance of understanding and measuring audiences, both qualitatively and and quantitatively. Together, they will address their collaborative audience measurement technologies that keep display owners a step ahead of their competitors – and their consumers. The experts will explore how audience measurement technology works and why it is so effective, where the technology will go from here, and how business owners can incorporate it into their display networks.
“As a holistic data collection infrastructure for digital signage systems, AdMobilize specializes in providing display owners with actionable data-driven insights to help businesses quantify the ROI their display technology provides,” emphasized AdMobilize Head of Marketing and Sales Mike Neel. “Though LED displays can shine brighter than the sun, it is the integrated AdMobilize audience analytics tools and diagnostics controls that truly guarantee display owners will never be left in the dark.”